Cast Bar – 2024 – Seven Deadly Sins series – VANITY


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Issuing Country – (this is a non legal tender product)
Year of Issue 2024
Face Value – (this is a non legal tender product)
Metal Silver
Fineness (purity) 999/1000
Weight 2 oz
Diameter 40.13×25.07×7.5 mm
Quality Antique
Mintage 500 pcs
Scope of Delivery Box
Special feature Color


Vanity is considered a deadly sin in many ethical and religious traditions, especially in Christianity. It is characterised by an excessive sense of self-importance, arrogance and superiority, often leading to contempt for others and an inability to acknowledge one’s own mistakes or limitations.

It’s seen as the root of many other sins and vices, as excessive pride can turn people away from humble and empathetic behaviour. Christian tradition often presents it as the most serious of the seven deadly sins, as it is directly opposed to the virtue of humility.