The Titanic. The tragic story of a cruise ship and an iceberg. It is hands down the most famous maritime disaster of all time. Countless documentaries and movies have been made about the story. Just 160 minutes after the momentous accident happened on April 14th, 1912 the vessel sank dragging more than 1500 people to an icy grave. This coin range is dedicated to the Titanic and its tragic story. While the reverse shows the colored ship in full speed in ultra-high relief the obverse tells the tale. You can see the route across the Atlantic including the point where the tragedy happened. Furthermore, you have two different perspectives of the deck and cabin construction and the inner part of the Titanic. This might give you an idea why so many people were trapped inside the ship as it went down.
Just a handful of artifacts from the Titanic have made it back to the water surface as the ship lies at a depth of 3800 m (12470 ft.) at the bottom of the sea. One of them is an authentic coal lump which was recovered back in 2000.